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An Occupational Therapy (OT) assessment helps to understand how your child or young person’s sensory-perceptual-cognitive-motor skills difficulties are impacting on their participation, performance and independence in self-care, schoolwork and life skills. 


Assessments are carried out either at the child or young person's home or school. They include standardised, formal and informal assessment tools, with a written report and verbal feedback provided after the assessment. Milestones offers a variety of different assessments, and we will discuss the various options to ensure you get the ones best suited to your needs and requirements.  


Assessments include: 

Sensory Profile Assessment 

This home or school visit will identify underlying sensory processing difficulties/differences that are impacting on your child or young person’s ability to participate in day-to-day activities. 


Motor Skills Assessment 

This assessment will identify difficulties with motor skills that are impacting on your child or young person’s ability to participate in day-to-day activities. 


Handwriting Assessment 

This assessment will identify handwriting difficulties that are impacting on your child or young person’s schoolwork. 


Full Home Assessment 

This home visit assessment will identify any underlying sensory-perceptual-motor skill difficulties that are impacting on your family life.


Full School Assessment 

This school visit will identify underlying sensory-perceptual-motor skill difficulties which are impacting on school life. This also includes classroom observations and meeting with a member of staff that works closely with your child or young person.    


Home and School Review Assessment 

Home and school-based reviews are available for children and young people that have previously been assessed. They can be carried out on a half-termly or termly basis. The review assessment is designed to check progress and update targets/programmes. 


Occupational Therapy treatment sessions are unique to each child and young person. They are guided by needs identified at assessment.  A range of treatment approaches are offered that can be carried out at home or school:


Home & School Treatment Sessions

A session using a range of treatment approaches to help your child or young person reach their goals. Feedback will be provided to parents and teachers during the session.


Home & School Programme

A session will consist of goal setting, discussing and demonstrating a programme. A written programme and monitoring sheets will be provided following this session. The parent/classroom staff will need to implement the recommended programme.


Services for the Local Education Authority (LEA)

Milestones can be commissioned by an LEA to provide school-based Occupational Therapy as outlined in the child or young person’s Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). In addition to direct therapy, the emphasis is placed on collaborating with and training education staff that work closely with the child to ensure that therapy strategies are implemented throughout the child’s school day.



Clinical supervision is provided by telephone or Video Conference tools for Occupational Therapists working with children and young people. 


Less than 10 miles from St Albans (AL1) - no charge.


More than 10 miles from St Albans (AL1) - travel fees will apply. 

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